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Kurtzman reveals more details about Discovery season two


Promotion for Star Trek: Discovery has hit overdrive this week with showrunner Alex Kurtzman revealing more details about season two.

Speaking at the Variety CES Summit at Las Vegas, Kurtzman revealed that the relationship between Spock and Michael Burnham will be a thread heading into season two.

“We set up a mystery in season one. How come Spock – one of the most beloved characters in all of Star Trek history, let alone the world and the universe – has never mentioned his sister Michael Burnham. It was a big mystery. And I think I knew inherently that the answer to that wasn’t going to be one or two episodes. It was going to be a full season and you were really going to have to dive deep into that story and into that relationship and what happened between them. There is a lot of friction between them

“It was really, for me, the storyline of season two. They work out their relationship against the backdrop of a larger mystery and it turns out that if they don’t fix their relationship, they are not going to solve the mystery.”


For season one, the storyline revolved around two larger problems; the Klingon war and the Mirror Universe. Season two will centralise around the crew coming together, with more family themes throughout.

“It is for me a story about this bridge crew family that has finally become a family, because season one was really about coming together as a family and season two is about the family working together to solve this mystery – the literal and figurative families – and ultimately the story challenges the family with whether or not it is going to be able to stay together.”

With the social media age comes an increased interaction about the show. Kurtzman has been able to take on board fan feedback and learn lessons going into future episodes.

“It’s a very vocal fanbase. It took me a while to understand that the debate that some people love it and some people hate it is actually one of the great gifts of Star Trek. That, if you try and please everybody, you are going to please nobody. And that debate is democratic and wonderful.

“So, if somebody doesn’t like something and writes about it, or writes about with consistency and I see that message echoing with other people I will say “Okay, what feels resonate for me?” and what lessons do I take in how we are going to take our next steps.”

Star Trek: Discovery hits our streams later this month. CBS All Access will stream episode one from 17 January, with the UK and the rest of the world streaming a day later.

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