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REVIEW: Star Trek Discovery "Point of Light"

Updated: Feb 6, 2019

CBS Interactive

Star Trek: Discovery returned for its third episode this week with the Klingon-centric “Point of Light”.

The episode starts with a “Previous on Star Trek: Discovery…” (in Klingon no less) and focusses on the newly Chancellor-ised L’Rell on the issues she’s facing in keeping power.

Chief of the opposition is father of the now dead Kol eager to cling on (always wanted to do that) to the old ways. He finds out that L’Rell and Voq had a child and he sees this as a way to steal power from L’Rell. The situation is a perfect allegory for the issues that modern women face with power struggles.

We got a decent look into their dynamic as a couple; Tyler is struggling to have affection for L’Rell whilst the Klingon side is still there. A quick call to Michael Burnham sees Emperor Georgiou and Section 31 to save the day. Phillipa gives L’Rell a choice, the role of Chancellor or her baby and her lover. She chooses the former and addresses the council with the beheaded Ash Tyler and infant baby.

The infant baby head was a bit much for this reporter. But the shock twist was that the infant Klingon has been beamed aboard a Section 31 ship along with Tyler. The baby is delivered to some Klingon monks without ever knowing who his parents are, whilst Tyler joins Section 31.

Discovery really took a step back this week. Episode three had an awful lot to live up to following “New Eden”, and the darker tones of this episode took some of the impetus out of the season.

The episode was performed superbly, but the direction was a little jarring. There were unnecessary camera pans at uncomfortable angles, and whilst it’s important to keep the style fresh and modern, this was done in a slightly disorientating way.

Tilly’s ghost friend got semi-resolved here which was a good thing as it wasn’t dragged out for weeks. What that creature or entity is that was removed from the Ensign is anybody’s guess.

And finally moving to the Burnham / Spock storyline. Michael Burnham still doesn’t feel like the star of her own show. Amanda (Mia Kirshner) shines in this episode who plays the gentle yet charismatic step-mother.

We still didn’t see Spock, but things don’t look good for him as he’s in trouble for the acqusation of murdering some guards at the Starbase, but Amanda and Michael take action to find out the truth via the stolen medical data.

Overall this episode was overly shocking in parts, and badly paced in others. Hopefully the show can recapture the tone and joy of the previous two episodes quickly.

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