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Stewart teases Picard show details


Speaking to YAHOO, Patrick Stewart has teased some exciting details about the newest Star Trek show featuring Jean-Luc Picard.

Stewart will be reprising his role from The Next Generation, and the series of films for the first time in almost 20 years. The last time he played the iconic Jean-Luc Picard was Star Trek: Nemesis back in 2002.

In a video on Yahoo, Stewart is clearly thrilled to be playing the part again. Whilst he doesn’t give any plot details away, he does reveal that the show will tell a story and that it will reference issues we face today.

“What we have coming up is exciting. It’s exciting for me because it excites me as an actor. Oh, the story is great. And – I could be so careful what I say or they’ll skin me alive if I say the wrong things. But it has – it references the present day at times, and that’s all I can say, really.
I’m not saying we are in the present day. We’re not. But the world that we find Jean-Luc Picard in is not quite the world that we left him in.

Stewart also talks about the tone and theme of the show and suggested that it will be respectful to previous incarnations of Star Trek

What I was afraid of was in some way, this is going to be jokey. And I don’t want to do that. I respect the work we did on Next Generation, and also it changed my life in every way. I said “you know what? I think I am up for this.”
But I asked a lot of questions and the answers were very satisfying. And I was struck by how clever these people were I was talking to, who could tell a narrative very well and seemed to be tuned into what an actor might need to hear. So, I signed on

The Englishman has been working closely with the writers and production staff – including Alex Kurtzman, Michael Chabon, and Akiva Goldsmith – and he has been impressed by the work done so far.

I have been in the writers’ room for a total of three weeks in the last couple of months. The work that is being done there is extraordinary. I basically just sit and listen. I mean, these clever guys’ ideas going backwards and forwards like what if, what if what if, nah, that wouldn’t work, what if.

There is no word on any further details, but it has been hinted that the show will deal with the fallout from the Romulan disaster referenced in Star Trek (2009). Stewart also mentions that the show will be a “like a 10 hour movie” which may indicate ten episodes. He also said that the production crew are “hoping for more than one season”.

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